A Century Pledge of Nahdlatul Ulama


Nahdlatul Ulama believes that the old traditional view which is rooted in the classical fiqh tradition, such as the idea that all Muslims could unite under a single global rule or caliphate state, has to be replaced with a new vision that could benefit people globally.

The idea of re-establishing a caliphate state that is considered to be able to unite Muslims worldwide without considering the relation to other believers or vis-a-vis to non-Muslims is not something that should be fought for and made as an aspiration. As recently seen, the ISIS effort to establish the Islamic state provenly ended in chaos. Besides that, the effort is also contrary to the main goals of Islam or maqashidush sharia, which are reflected in five principles: protecting life, religion, intelligence, family and property.

The collision of a caliphate state with the principles of Islam caused instability and undermined the socio-political order. Even if they were successful, their efforts would lead to the collapse of the nation-state system and also the rise of violence and conflicts in most regions of the world. History shows that the chaos of war will result in the widespread destruction of houses of worship, loss of human life, moral deficiency, families and properties.

In Nahdlatul Ulama’s view, the most appropriate and efficacious way to realise the benefit of Muslims worldwide “al-ummah al-Islamiyah” is to strengthen the welfare and benefit of all mankind, both Muslims and non-Muslims, and recognise the existence of brotherhood of all human beings, Adam posterity “ukhuwah basyariyah”.

The United Nations Charter is not ideal, and there are also some problems. However, the United Nations Charter initially intended to end the destruction and barbaric practices during the war, which have characterised international relations throughout human history. The United Nations Charter and the United Nations (UN) have the fundamental basis for developing a new fiqh to uphold a peaceful and harmonious future of human civilisation.

Instead of dreaming and trying to unite all Muslims in a single world state, as a caliphate state, Nahdlatul Ulama has a different way. Inviting all Muslims to pursue a new vision, to develop a new discourse on fiqh, the fiqh that will prevent the exploitation of identity and the spreading of hatred between groups; the fiqh that supports solidarity and mutual respect for differences among humans, cultures and nations in the world; the fiqh that supports the birth of social order based on justice and harmonious life, promoting equal rights, respecting the dignity of every human being. Nahdlatul Ulama believes this vision is the main objective of what the sharia means.


Tekad Satu Abad Nahdlatul Ulama ini diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Nella Schiller, warga Nahdlatul Ulama yang bermukim di Adelaide, South Australia; pegiat aktif di Kajian Islam Adelaide (KIA).
